Mountains of Uncertainty
* Ongoing series. New works will be included when ready.

I always liked landscapes, both the natural and the imaginary ones. I walk in the first ones with my body, and with my mind in the latter.

But there are mountains and valleys in which we go through without knowing it. They are unpredictable, unstable and sometimes discouraging. In them we are but data, dots in a fictitious landscape not created by Nature but by human mind’s abstraction.

I reject the language used to show trends, its statistical models and their projections. But even though their materialistic look, I perceive a kind of aesthetic behind the graphs and their changing geometry. Mountains and mathematical graphs: landscapes similar in shape, but opposite in essence. Behind the ephemeral financial status of companies or countries and the changes in environmental and social trends, lays the serene presence of perennial, undulated mountains that call me to inner peace and reflection.

So, when the heavy weight of technology, speculation and political interests exhausts me, I search and find shelter in my own mountains. I mold and print them like a hermit in the red cavern of my darkroom, as a cave artist would do.

Based in the real, my mountains belong to an imaginary world, an inner space that beats in my hands and in the memory of that hominid ancestor who followed the creative impulse that we today call art.


Included in these images are the reference graphs that inspired me to make each piece. Each one (printed on Silver Gelatin FB photographic paper) is unique, due to the chemical process I employed to make them.